"Kootenay Inspired Mountain Art" Landscapes by Lucas Jmieff Nelson, BC
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"Slocan Lake Evening"
"Snow Satisfaction"
"Snowghost's Sunset View"
"Soul of Winter II"
"Spellbound Taghum Beach"
"Sundance Purcell"
"Sunset in the Selkirks"
"Supermooning Purcell"
"Supernatural Purcells"
"Taghum Beach Afterhours"
"Taghum Evening"
"Taghum Twilight"
"Valhalla Tranquillity"
"West Ymir Alpenglow"
"Whitewater Alpenglow"
"Whitewater Dreams"
"Whitewater Skies"
"Whitewater Sunkiss"
"Whitewater Within The Distance"
"Winter Sky Mystic"
"Winter Timepiece"
"Wizard Skies II"
"Wizard Skies"
"Wonderful Winterful Alpenglow"
"Ymir Peak Inspire"
"Ymir Peak Salute"